Our Fires Still Burn
Beaded Bandolier Bag by Martha Berry

• Winner: Best of Category, 31st Annual Trail of Tears Art Show, 2002
• Winner: Second Place, Textiles, Art Under the Oaks 2003, Five Civilized Tribes Museum, Muskogee, OK
Bandolier Bag with fully beaded flap
Size: Approximately 36" H x 16" W x 2"D
Materials: Wool, cotton, glass, silk, metal
Long ago, a little Water Spider risked great danger, and endured terrible pain, in order to bring fire to our people. This bandolier bag is dedicated to her, and to all of the Cherokees who have kept our fires burning . . . down through the centuries, from generation to generation, and across the miles. Wado.
The beaded motifs on this bag are all from Mound Builder pottery. As always, numbers play a large part in the design of this piece. From the number of sun symbols, bead colors, and rows of beads, to the number of tassels and pieces of yarn in each tassel, the numbers two, four and seven are repeated over and over again.
Since the piece is all about fire, "silver" lined gold and "silver" lined peacock beads have been used throughout. The inner light these beads produce suggests the inner fire in every Cherokee and in our Nation as a whole.
The flow of water and the curl of smoke is suggested by the "silver" lined beads used on the pouch. The concentric circles of peacock beads on the fully beaded flap suggest the waves Spider made as she crossed the water, as well as her influence down through the Cherokee generations.
The Origin of Fire
(Traditional Cherokee story)

Long, long ago there was no fire and the world was very cold. Then the Thunders sent their lightning and put fire into the bottom of a hollow sycamore tree that grew on an island. The animals knew it was there because they could see the smoke, but they could not get to it over the water. They held a council to decide what to do. Every animal that could swim or fly was anxious to be the one to bring back the fire.
Raven offered to go first. Because he was so large and strong, they thought that he could surely do it, so he was sent. He flew high and far across the water and alighted on the sycamore tree. While he was wondering what to do next, the heat scorched all his feathers black. He was frightened and returned without the fire.
Then the little Screech Owl volunteered and reached the place safely. But, while he was looking down into the hollow of the tree, a blast of hot air came up at him and nearly burned out his eyes. He managed to fly back home, but his eyes are red to this day. Next went Hoot Owl and Horned Owl. By the time they reached the tree, the fire was so fierce the smoke almost blinded them. The ashes carried by the wind made rings around their eyes that are still there today, but they had to return without the fire.

Well, no more of the birds dared attempt this great feat, so the snakes decided to give it a try. The Black Racer Snake swam out to the island and crawled through the grass to the tree. He squeezed through a tiny hole in the bottom, but the heat and smoke were too much for him. After dodging about blindly over the hot ashes, he managed, by luck, to find the hole and crawl out again. But his body had been scorched black and, to this day, he darts about as if still trying to escape that first fire. The great black snake, the Climber, offered next. He swam over and climbed up the outside of the sycamore, as was his habit. Predictably, the smoke choked him and he fell into the trunk, burning himself black in the process. He survived but brought back no warmth.
Cold and dismayed, the animals held another council. All the birds, snakes and four-footed creatures came up with good excuses for not venturing back to the tree. Finally, the Little Water Spider said that she would like to try. (Now this was the little spider with black downy hair, who can run over the water or dive under it.) The other animals were relieved for a volunteer, but wondered how she would carry the fire back.
“Don’t worry,’ she said. “I will use thread from my body to spin a little bowl and fasten it to my back.”
The animals watched in wonder as the Little Water Spider crossed the water, found the tiny hole in the bottom of the trunk, put one tiny coal into her bowl, and brought it back. Ever since, we have been warmed by fire and, more importantly, the smoke has carried our prayers to Creator. And the Little Water Spiders still carry the red marks on their backs, lest we forget their grandmother’s great accomplishment.